It’s time



A Mosaic Reflecting What Living in Time Is Like

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A HJEAS book

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978-963-615-004-4 (e-book)


328 oldal



A HJEAS bookBölcsészettudományi KarIrodalomtudománySzabadon letölthető e-könyvek


Why is it so hard to discuss time? A good part of the difficulty arises from what contemporary philosopher Nathaniel Lawrence terms “the uniqueness of temporality,” which, while “[i]t submits to useful analogy, … is different, essentially different, from anything else” [because] “temporality permeates … [human] experience.” When we try and reduce this experience to a concept of time, we necessarily pick and chose certain aspects and ignore others. This becomes a “no win” game. Jorge Luis Borges cautioned against trying to “solve” this intractable problem. Instead he recommended attempting to describe and, where possible, to illuminate it through story, for “[o]ur existence in time … can only be comprehended through narrative.” Rather than attempting to define time or to theorize about it, It’s Time tries to report on what living in time is like not through abstractions but through imaginative literature with its special insights into our experience of time. Narrative remains the ideal medium for presenting the events upon which our real experience of time depends. It’s Time discusses a variety of works in many different genres in the hope not of being definitive but of creating a mosaic that will reflect what it is like to live in time.

“A refreshing book to captivate and inform readers, an extended philosophical response to a lifetime of teaching literature and of viewing plays. … The joy and the originality lie in the author’s superb communication skills. This is an important book.”

Christopher Murray, author of Twentieth-Century Irish Drama, Brian Friel, Sean O’Casey, and Tom Murphy
“Drawing on a variety of scientific, philosophical, and theological ideas about time Morse shows how these are consciously or unconsciously reflected in literature from the Renaissance to the 21st century.”
—Katherine Hume, author of Fantasy and Mimesis, Aggressive Fictions, and American Dream/American Nightmare

“This collection of essays weaves together natural science, philosophy, and literature examining humanity’s eternal quest to come to terms with mortality … . It’s a time travel well worth taking.”

Ildikó Limpár, award-winning dramatist, novelist, author of The Truths of Monsters, translator of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series
“Read this book; you will be glad that you spent the time.”

W. A. Senior, author of Stephen R. Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, past-president of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, former editor of Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts

További információk


A Mosaic Reflecting What Living in Time Is Like

Szerző(k) / Szerkesztette


A HJEAS book

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978-963-615-004-4 (e-book)


328 oldal




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